The new iRangeX iRX-IR8M is a new multiprotocol remote transmitter. It is a lot like the Jumper T8SG in terms of software but has some unique differences. If you are looking for a remote that can control multiple drones then you may want to consider the iRangeX.

What is a Multiprotocol Radio?
First, let me state that I absolutely love my Jumper T8SG. It makes “toy grade” drones better. You’ll get both better control and increased range using it. Typically inexpensive drones ship with cheap, plastic remotes, and before the introduction of a multiprotocol radio there were very few options. Now you can upgrade your remote and use it with multiple drones.

A drone communicates with the receiver using a certain protocol. Think of it as the language the remote understands. Typically each remote has its own language, so you’ll need a different remote to communicate with different drones. Multiprotocol remotes speak multiple “languages” so they can be used on different drones.

This iRangeX remote transmitter works the same way. It uses internal modules to be able to connect with different drones. The Deviation software makes it easy to use and setup. If you fly toy quads or DIY whoops then you absolutely want to pick up a multiprotocol radio.
The iRangeX uses the popular hobby protocols of FrSky, FlySky, DSMX, Walkera as well as many different hobby protocols like Eachine, Syma and JJRC. There are literally hundreds of different protocols that you can use with the iRangeX.

iRangeX vs Jumper T8SG (What is Different?)

The iRangeX has a different gamepad style to it when compared to the Jumper remote. It is larger and also has a bigger LCD screen. It has a nice solid feel to it and a different button configuration. The gimbals on the iRangeX are much better than the Jumper’s and is probably the biggest improvement. The iRangeX also ships with a FlySky receiver, so if you are building a quad you won’t have to pick up your own.

iRangeX Potential Improvements

The iRangeX is definitely both larger and heavier than the Jumper T8SG. The gimbals are definitely improved, but still not on par with a Taranis QX7. While it is a great upgrade for most toy grade quads I would still recommend a Taranis QX7 for anyone flying race or FPV quads.

Order a Taranis QX7 |
For whatever reason, the iRangeX doesn’t ship with the latest version of Deviation software, so if you want to stay current you’ll have to update it yourself. There still is no protocol available to fly your MJX Bugs models, but that isn’t necessarily the iRangeX’s fault. There is a connector to replace the AA batteries with a 2S LiPo, but unfortunately, it isn’t a balance connection. If you want to power it with a LiPo you’ll have to make your own connector. The strangest flaw is that if you power down the iRangeX you’ll have to wait 10-30 seconds before you can power it back on.

Should You Get an iRange X Remote?
If you fly Symas, Hubsans and Eachine drones then the answer is absolutely. They will flat out make your quads better. You’ll get better control and a better range. The iRangeX is probably the preferred remote over the Jumper T8SG because of its improved gimbals. However if you don’t like the gamepad-style then the Jumper is totally fine. Either way, they are both good inexpensive options. For around $80 you’ll get an improved remote that you can use on hundreds of drones.
Order the iRangeX | Order the Jumper T8SG |
What About the Jumper T8SG PLUS?

Yes, Jumper is now releasing their upgraded T8SG Plus featuring Hall gimbals. This along with a handful of improvements make the Jumper T8SG the premium option when it comes to multiprotocol remotes. The Jumper T8SG Plus is also a more expensive option starting around $110.
Learn more about the Jumper T8SG Plus | Order the T8SG Plus |
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